This is my Swiss army for IMPETUS , i use this for the BURGUNDIAN WARS and for the MILAN WARS (Bellinzona, Giornico). The ainting scheme of standard and miniatures come from burgundian wars SCHILLING chronicle, i’ve based the miniatures for…
This is two heavy cavalry group with different flag of BASEL. 15mm Mirliton Miniatures
This is a command group for SWISS ARMY this reperesent the Schaffhausen canton during Burgundian wars . (miniatures MIRLITON modified, painting Grandi)
This is a heavy cavalry command group for my burgundian wars swiss army, they reperesent the Duchy of Upper Lorraine . (model Mirliton painting Grandi)
Balestrieri del cantone di SCHWIZ in formazione con pavesi, realizzati per la mia armata svizzera.
Unità di BALESTRIERI MERCENARI SVIZZERI, per differenziare l’unità i balestrieri sono protetti da un soldato armato di alabarda.