Waffen SS MG42 LMG Team 28mm Warlord Miniatures / Metal Bolt Action support Team
Waffen SS Nebelwerfer 28mm
Waffen SS Nebelwerfer 28mm – Eugenio Larosa Nebelwerfer, il cui nome significa “lanciatore di nebbia” in tedesco, è stato uno dei primi sistemi di lanciarazzi multipli utilizzati dall’esercito tedesco durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, insieme al celebre Katyusha sovietico. Questo…
MG42 MMG Support Team Waffen SS
German Waffen SS MG42 MMG Support Team 28mm Warlord Miniatures / Metal Bolt Action Support Team TEAM 1 TEAM 2
Waffen SS Radio Team – Observers
German Waffen SS radio team or Observers. 28mm Warlord Miniatures painted for Europe theatre.
Waffen-SS 10.5cm LeFH Leichte Feldhaubitze
28mm Waffen-SS 10.5cm LeFH set by Warlord Miniatures. The 10.5 cm leFH 18/40 supplemented the 10.5 cm leFH 18 and the 10.5 cm leFH 18M as the standard divisional field howitzer used during the Second World War. It was…
SOLD 28mm Roman Repubblican Legion Impetus – For Sale
28mm romani repubblicani imbasettati IMPETUS 6 basette legionari Foundry.(FP). 3 basette velites Foundry (SK). 2 basette arcieri cretesi (SK).
German Waffen SS Mortar Team
German Waffen SS Medium Mortar Team 28mm Warlord Miniatures / Metal Bolt Action Support Team TEAM 1 Observer conversion pose TEAM 2
Waffen-SS 75mm PaK 40 anti-tank gun
The 7.5 cm Pak 40 (7,5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 40) was a German 75 millimetre anti-tank gun developed in 1939-1941 by Rheinmetall and used during the Second World War. The Pak 40 formed the backbone of German anti-tank guns for the…
28mm Waffen SS Medico
28mm Waffen SS Medico esercito tedesco seconda guerra mondiale. Miniatura in metallo della ditta Warlord Miniatures dipinta con mimetica della campagna di Normandia. Kit Waffen-SS HQ (1943-1945) : https://store.warlordgames.com/products/waffen-ss-hq-1943-45