Takeda Command 28mm miniatures
The base prepared for the IMPETUS rulebook represents the Takeda Clan’s “council of war” the night before the Fourth Battle of KAWANAKAJIMA.
The dimensions are those of two united cavalry bases or 12x16cm.
TAKEDA SHINGEN is seated in the center between his generals and counselors, behind him, on both sides two banners with personal symbols (Nui-Wase-Hata) and in the center the T-banner (Kyioumun-Ki) with a part of a quote by Sun Tzu who represented the way to conduct the battles of SHINGEN “Fast as the wind, slow as a forest, assault and devastate like fire.”
The general MASAMUKI SANADA indicates the samurai who carries the head of an enemy messenger at his side, the heir of the TAKEDA NOBUSHIGE clan.
On the other side are OBU TORAMASA, one of the most general and tutor of Nobushige, and KOSAKA MASANOBU intent on writing.
MASANOBU is credited with writing the KOYO GUNKAN a text that collects the military history of the Takeda Clan
Behind SHINGEN two personal guards, members of his hatamoto, a samurai and a warrior monk.
The SAMURAI with the TAKEDA mon on the breastplate (DO) holds his hand on the sword ready to defend his lord.
The second guard, on the other hand, is a WARRIOR MONK from the same Buddhist monastery where TAKEDA HARONOBU retired in 1551 and then returned with the name of SHINGEN.
In the center of the scene a messenger, samurai of the HARA TORATANE clan, distinguishable by the two sashimonos on his back with the mon of the clan, showing his lord the head of a spy.
This perhaps disrespectful samurai shows the prize to his lord without kneeling and holding one hand too close to the sword.
The piece is a PERRY MINIATURES with the self-made double sashimono.
The miniatures are 28mm Perry Miniatures, flags, stands and curtains (gunmaku) are all self built.