Sohei Warrior Monk miniatures
Sohei Warrior monks in the Sengoku period gain more and more power thanks to the IKKO-IKKI, movement which leads even the poorest classes to religious fundamentalism.
These bases created for my KAWANAKAJIMA project based on Impetus represent units of Monks on foot and archer.
The miniatures used are 28mm TAG Miniatures, Perry Miniatures and Old Glory miniatures.
The Sohei (warrior monks) had a rather varied armament.
Although often depicted with the naginata, many of these warrior monks used yari, yumi, tachi and tantō.
The warrior monks wore a series of kimono-like robes in layers, one on top of the other, usually white underneath, and tan or saffron yellow on top, although they did not disdain wearing other armor and in some cases the ō-yoroi armor of the samurai.
Instead, a common feature is the covered head, the warrior monks often folded and tied the white headdress to cover a greater part of their head.
Sohei Warrior Monk miniatures
Check out other miniatures from the Kawanakajima project